The concept of “photobombing,” or “crashing” someone’s photograph, was totally developed online. Numerous celebrities, as well as average people like us and even some animals, have participated in the photobombing trend. It makes natural that there are some excellent animal photobombs floating around given how much the online community enjoys amusing animal photographs. The following 15 animal photobombs have completely taken over the internet since they appeared on numerous social media platforms, blogs, and sharing websites. Look them up.
#1 Goofy Horse Photobomb

This can occur when you shoot a photo at the ideal moment and from the ideal angle. The expression on this horse’s face is so hilarious!
#2 Crasher Squirrel

They had no idea they were going to make internet history when a Canadian couple on vacation put up this timer photo on their camera in 2009! Unannouncedly entering their shot was a squirrel who was inquisitive by the sound of the camera shutter. The image went viral online after the pair entered it in a photo competition, and soon people were adding the squirrel bomber to their own pictures. Numerous family portraits, pictures of celebrities, and well-known pieces of art now include Crasher Squirrel.
#3 Photobombing Stingray

Three young women, Kendall Harlan, Sarah Bourland, and Natalie Zaysoff, who were on Spring Break in the Cayman Islands in 2008 when they were shocked by this humorous photo-crashing stingray, were captured in this amazing shot by Reddit user epic676. The image spread like wildfire and was rapidly reposted and mentioned on BuzzFeed, Gawker, and other well-known websites. Even for Halloween, the “photobombing stingray” became one of the funniest meme-based costumes.
#4 Troll Fish

First appearing on the blog, “Blame It On The Voices,” in 2010, this perfectly-timed shot is an instant classic! It’s called “Troll Fish” because the fish is trolling the photo, ala a “Troll Face” comic.
#5 Sinister Plotting Cat

The dog’s blissful ignorance is what makes this shot amazing! We don’t want to know what that cat is plotting….
#6 Photobombing Sloth

This sloth was just hanging around, when suddenly….
#7 Seal Photobomb

Move over, squirrels, seals are the new photobombers! Much like the oft-copied Crasher Squirrel meme, this seal was soon added to internet photos far and wide after hitting the web.
#8 Dolphin Photobomb

Angeline Mozer, who was nine months pregnant, had no idea her husband Dan would take this once-in-a-lifetime photo of her as she posed on a Florida beach for a prenatal photograph! The News4jax staff shared the photo after sending it to the Instagram page of the neighborhood news station, and it soon gained popularity.
#9 Dolphin Photobomb, Take Two

Not to be outdone by that other photobombing dolphin, this guy went that extra mile and scared the poop out of some innocent child. Not to be mean, but… LOL.
#10 Laughing Cow Photobomb

This cow seemed to be taking a bit too much pleasure in his pasture-mate’s predicament!
#11 Llama Wedding Crasher

Photographer Caroline Tran captured this epic wedding moment during a recent wedding at Saddlerock Ranch. What do you expect when you invite llamas to your wedding?
#12 Side-Eying Dog Photobomb

This dog is saying it all with his side eye! Although we’re sure if you asked him, he’d tell you that he was perfect
#13 Russian Military Goat

Goats are enjoying their time on the internet these days! Goats have been known to scream, jump around like babies, and of course, randomly photobomb military personnel. However, the strangest aspect of this picture isn’t the goat that photobombed it; rather, it’s the eerie ghostly apparition that can be seen in the backdrop. ghosts in your photos? We have now seen everything.
#14 Shark Photobomb

Just in time for “Shark Week,” here’s a crazy-scary image of a deep sea diver who’s about to get a rude awakening when she turns around. Note: some skeptics say that this image is a fake
#15 Moutain Lion Photobomb

In 2011, Redditor Torg0 submitted this photo of his hunting buddy and an unexpected background-dweller, along with the caption, “The Circle of Life.” Yikes! Since Torg0 posted this image, we can only assume that the story behind this photo has a happy ending!